the future of education is recruiting

During the Third Partition of Poland, as an act of war, school curricula was limited and education beyond lower grade levels was prohibited. The occupants of polish territory knew that controlling the education was controlling the population. 

After seven years, a group of rebellious scholars organized to create a secret university: a clandestine effort to liberate the minds of their people through education. Classes were held in basements and hidden rooms, but the settings did not matter for curiosity and hope and inspiration to thrive. 

This secret university, the Flying University, educated thousands of people over the years. One of their most notable students? Marie Klodowska, later to be known as… Marie Curie.

Today, regardless of whether it is an act of malice or political negligence, traditional schools offer a similarly limiting education. Entire generations have been robbed of their curiosity, creative spirit and potential. 

Also today, a group of rebellious thinkers, doers, and changemakers are creating new, open, decentralized alternatives to educate the creators and innovators of the future. 

The ‘future of education’ has beguna rebellion against passive transmission of obsolete content and standardized evaluations. It’s happening in classrooms of project-based teachers, discord servers of online schools, coding bootcamps, makerspaces and learning pods. 

How exciting! But it’s not enough. 

We’re just getting started, and we’re recruiting: parents, teachers, students, professionals, leaders… people who dare to experiment, to do things differently, to stand up against the norm. 

You in?

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